I'm a 4th year student in Computer Science at The Superior Polytechnic School of University of Lleida, Spain. I'm also WomenTechMakers lead at @WTMLleida www.womentechmakerslleida.com, and Google Developer Group Lleida co-organizer.
Here I'm, at the right top of the screenshot, one of the many follow up MEETs we're holding for the project revission with my main mentor Alexandra, WTM lead WTM Tenerife, Mari Luz, GDG Vigo organizer, Jan, trainee mentor, and Andreu, Liquid Galaxy project admin
HAPIS is an Android Application and its main objective is to give people with resources the opportunity to help other people, in need, who are going through a bad situation and do not have such basic things as food or clothing.
To develop the application I used Android Studio and for the database management, Firebase.
The user can authenticate using the email and password. To store the data the application uses Cloud Firestore and to store the photos, Cloud Storage.
HAPIS have two main parts: one part where the user can use the application in the mobile phone and another part designed to be used into a tablet connected to the Liquid Galaxy System.
The mobile phone part have two main user types:
Volunteer: this way the user can create and manage the homeless profiles.
Donor: the users registered as donors can see the homeless profile and help them with food, clothes, work,lodging or hygiene products.The donors can realize a donation personally or through a volunteer.
The part that can be used with Liquid Galaxy don't need authentication, but it needs a Liquid Galaxy System connected to the Android Application.
On this photo with my Brasil coleague Rapolas Bilboa, Lluis Martinez, and Andreu, in front of the Lleida Liquid Galaxy, the biggest and oldest (10 years now) of our 9 Liquid Galaxy engines at the Scientific Park of Lleida Liquid Galaxy LAB.
Liquid Galaxy is an open source project created by Google employee Jason Holt in 2008. This system allows Google Earth to be viewed on panoramic screens, creating a unique experience. A Liquid Galaxy installation is a cluster of computers where each node manages a screen. One of the nodes, generally the one that manages the central screen, has the role of master and is responsible for receiving all the information and replicating it to the other nodes using SSH message passing, allowing the screens to behave in a synchronized manner.
In this part we can select a city and see information of the homeless, donors or volunteers from that city.All the information will be shown into the Liquid Galaxy, using mainly placemarks, balloons and the function of flying to a specific point.

Presenting the project with the Lleida Liquid Galaxy
Currently, it is inconceivable a day to day without a mobile phone, and more specifically, without a Smartphone. Due to the rise of these devices, more and more people use the multiple services they offer and we find a multitude of tools that improve our productivity, help us stay in shape, etc., but there are very few applications through which we can quickly and easily help those most in need.
For this reason I thought of creating an application where the two parts could be joined: the people who can and are willing to help and the people who need our help. Besides, users can register as volunteers or as donor and help not only by donating things, but by offering their time and know other people.
As for the persons that need help, they don't have to wait for a third organization and all the donation process will be more effective.
On the other hand, the Liquid Galaxy part can be used in public places or special events where the users can use this technology and get this way more interest in helping those persons.
So, I think that HAPIS can really change some things.

Presenting HAPIS to Llleida Liquid Galaxy LAB students
I'm a co-organizer of the Women Techmaker Lleida organization that provides visibility of tech women and exists in various countries.
I participated in a lot of events where the women are the main character and we pretend to let know young girls that we also know programming and can change the world through our work, because technology is also for girls.
I participated in a lot of events where the women are the main character and we pretend to let know young girls that we also know programming and can change the world through our work, because technology is also for girls.
At our IWD 2019 event, with hundreds of young students most of them girls, and co-organizers of the event at EPS Lleida
So, if I realize my dream and I can publish HAPIS I will demonstrate this way that it worth studying computer engineering and that all girls and women that dream about it and they don’t dare take the step should think that everything is possible.
In my point of view, working in this project is the best that happens to me because I could made what I like and finally I created a awesome project that I hope to change some lives some day.
So, if I realize my dream and I can publish HAPIS I will demonstrate this way that it worth studying computer engineering and that all girls and women that dream about it and they don’t dare take the step should think that everything is possible.
In my point of view, working in this project is the best that happens to me because I could made what I like and finally I created a awesome project that I hope to change some lives some day.
Next, we can see some screenshots for every part of the application:
Android Phone Part: the volunteer page to create a new homeless profile.And after that, the donors main pages, personally donations page and through volunteer page.
Android Tablet Part:the main dashboard, the cities page and the list of homeless page.
Some Liquid Galaxy Views
And if you have time you can take a look at my 2nd month GSoC 2020 review video. Thank you !!!